Friday, April 13, 2012


 Last week I took the next step into getting back into my school "career" as I like to call it. By attending the new transfer students orientation at ASU. I had Michelle go with me because it was her alma mater and I knew she would enjoy going back in time to revisit her school years...bahahaha.... truthfully it's because I had no idea what to do and knew she could navigate around campus!
 We walked the campus and I got to meet with my psychology advisor to pick my classes! I will be going full time starting August 14th. But for know I'm going to take some summer courses to get back in to the flow of things. After talking to my advisor we determined that I will graduate in 2015 with my BA in Psychology with a minor in family and marriage counseling.

 So here is to the future! I can't believe I'm saying this but I am looking forward to the challenges of going back to school. I plan to do a lot of stuff with this university so except many more blogs to come!!
                       GO SUN DEVILS!!!

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