Ok so my best friend started blogging again and she got the creative juices flowing (sorta ) in me as well so let me give the round down of our life up until know
We didn't do much in the month of January mostly just found some very important and scary news for our little family. Ash our wild and rambunctious puppy has a genetic disorder in his left leg that causes his knee cap to continuously pop out of its spot causing the bone to start to chip away. This is not a life threatening disorder however if left unattended it will become very painful and his spunk and stamina will go away. We have had a lot of opinions from many of our friends and family and though we most graciously appreciate the input we have decided that we would rather spend the money than to not have this special little pup in our lives.
Besides who could not love this face!!
Now February was tons of fun mostly because it was Valentines Day which happens to be yours truly favorite holiday, all that pink, and hearts, and love, and chocolate my list can go on and on. I could bore everyone with all the details but let me get to the best part Jesse's and my valentines day date. We went to the Wild Life world Zoo and Aquarium ( do not get this confused with the Phoenix world zoo like we did )
We made a whole day of this we even ended it with a picnic while we watched the monkeys play in their play place.
And in the end I even built up the courage to ride the very high sky lift over all the different animals in the park!
At this point I was starting to freak out a little |
Took a picture of our feet 1.) to show the height 2.) because it's just such a cute picture! |
I thought at least if this thing breaks and we fall we will land in water:) |
It was one of the best days this year mostly because due to our conflicting schedules with work we don't get to spend a whole lot of time together.
I know I know this is getting very long and I promise to end this blog at March. We are so lucky to get to start this month off with a very special birthday my baby nephew Joel turned four this year. and I feel so grateful to have this wonderful little person in my life. I must say for a four year old birthday that place was happening. Now I do have a TON of pictures all of which are on my phone (Epic fail ) I know. I haven't quite figured how to put them on my computer yet. So for now you will have to take my word. But everyone got involved and we had a great time even his Tia Sandra and I took an hour and a half to but together a Lego firetruck. Like I said we are party ANIMALS!!!
Now because we had such a good being of the month we had to have a great end of the month as well. Which of course we did. The last week my aunt Marybeth and Uncle Scott came down from Utah to spend a couple days with us we ate, we drank, we played Kinect, and even went on a boat ride at Tempe town lake. I also have a ton of pictures but I lost my camera...I know it seems like a lot of excuses but I promise it's not.
All in all it has been a pretty good start to our adventurous year with way more things to come. All of which we are looking forward too. I hope I can have it in me to keep up with my blog because I always seem to loose focus when things get busy but I will do my best!!
Until we meet again!